
Switching Account Types

This topic describes how to switch from a partner account to a managed account and vice versa.

Switching from a partner account to a managed account

The Megaport partner program offers two account models that enable partners to create account hierarchies for PartnerVantage services: partner and managed.

To switch from a partner account to a managed account

  1. While logged in to the partner account, go to the Services page.
    The upper-left corner of the Services page confirms that you are in a partner account.

    Partner Account Indicator

  2. Select a managed account from the Select Account drop-down list.

    Select a Managed Account

  3. Confirm that you want to switch from a partner account to a managed account.

    Confirm Switch From Partner prompt

    The upper-left corner of the Services page confirms that you are in a managed account.

    Viewing Managed Account

Switching from a managed account to a partner account

To switch from a managed account to the partner account

  1. On the managed account Services page, select the partner account from the Select Account drop-down list.

    Switch from Managed to Partner Account

  2. Confirm that you want to switch from a managed account to the partner account.
    The upper-left corner of the Services page confirms that you are in a partner account.

    Partner Account Indicator

Switching from a managed account to another managed account

To switch from a managed account to another managed account

  1. From the managed account Services page, select the managed account from the Select Account drop-down list.

  2. Confirm that you want to switch from one managed account to another.