
Services Overview

This topic provides an overview of creating and viewing Megaport services for partner and managed accounts.

Estimating service cost

This topic provides an overview of estimating the cost of Megaport services for partner and managed accounts before actually ordering the services.

For more information on estimating cost for managed users, see Estimating Service Cost.

Creating and ordering services

This topic provides an overview of creating and viewing Megaport services for partner and managed accounts.

Partners often use VantageTransact to order services for their customers. Partners also allow some customers to provision services directly.

Suppose a partner orders a Port and a Virtual Cross Connect (VXC) for a customer in VantageTransact, and then decides to add another Port with a connection to a Cloud Service Provider (CSP). After provisioning these initial services, a partner can then allow the customer to further provision services themselves in VantageTransact using their managed account.

For more information on creating services and the ordering restrictions for managed users, see Creating and Ordering Services.

Viewing services

From the Services page, a user logged in to a partner account can see all services and can switch into managed accounts to see services specific to a customer.

For more information, see Viewing Services.

Monitoring maintenance and outage events

The Maintenance & Outages page allows you to monitor maintenance and outage events that impact your services, including current, scheduled, and past events.

For more information, see Monitoring Maintenance and Outage Events.