
Providing Support Contact Details

To streamline communication between the Megaport Support team and your organization, we need to know how to contact your internal support team. During the initial account setup, a Company Admin or Sales Team member enters the support phone number and email. These details provide a way for us to reach out should you need any assistance.

Here are the contact detail requirements by account type:

Account Type Supported By Contact Details Required? Details Displayed in Megaport Portal?
New direct Megaport Yes Yes
Existing direct with no provisioned services Megaport Yes Yes
New partner Partner Yes Yes, visible in managed account list.
New partner Megaport Yes Yes, visible in managed account list.
New managed Megaport Yes No
New managed Partner No No
New distributor No No

After the support details are added to an account, they can be edited by certain account users but they cannot be deleted. The viewing and editing permissions by account type are:

  • Company Admins can view and edit support contact details.

  • Direct account users can view the support contact details, but cannot edit them.

  • Managed account users supported by their partners can view the support contact details, but cannot edit them.

  • Managed account users supported by Megaport cannot view or edit support contact details.

  • Distributor account users cannot view or edit support contact details.


New and existing accounts without any provisioned services cannot place orders until their account setup is complete, including support contact details and a billing market. For more information, see Enabling Billing Markets. You can still add services to a saved configuration and view pricing, but the services cannot be ordered until account setup is complete.

To edit support details

  1. Visit the Megaport Portal and log in.
  2. Choose Company > Technical Support Details.
  3. Enter the phone number of your internal support team.
    The number is validated against the billing market format of your billing contact phone number.
  4. Enter the email address of your internal support team.
    The email format and address is validated against the email address provided during account sign up.

  5. Click Save.